Dog Obedience Training NY Style in Tokyo

10 years dog training experience in New York City

Dog Training New York Style "New York Wan" in tokyo

Dog obedience training instructor, Kenn Sato had 10 years experience of Dog Training and Pet Care service in New York City. We are not just a dog training company, we modify your dog's unsuitable behavior and create a happy life both dog owner and dog.

Feel free to contact us via***** Phone:03-3881-1188*****Cell:080-6675-0550


**Must Read it**

Dog owners who live in an apartment.

**Promotion for rainy season

We have big promotion for the rainy season

**Special Issue #1 Coming Soon

Bursh up your pooch's housebreaking

**Special Issue "#2 Coming Soon

Your pooch's behavioral problem is not dog's problem

**Special Issue #3 Coming Soon

It's not too late! Adjusting training for dog's age


Copyright (C) Dog Pro, Inc. New York Wan. All Rights Reserved.
