Dog Obedience Training NY Style in Tokyo Phone: 03-3881-1188 Cell:080-6675-0550

Rainy season, Training chance

Would you like to do brush up training during rainy season?

Professional dog trainer will modify your dog's unsuitable behavior

It is a good season to have a dog training inside

We are offering a special promotion of this nainy season. Until rainy season is finished, we give you a special discount of the first training fee ¥6,300⇒¥3,150
Please enroll it now. It is limited offer promotion.

We modify your dog's unsuitable behavior

If you have any problems of your dog's behavior, why don't we start our special offer brush up training? To fix your dog's housebreaking problem, excessive barking, jumping and mouthing, it is a chance to do it.

                          Brush up basic obedience training 

We know that your dog can SIT, DON and STAY,too. But your dog can follow your command when he/she is excited? Or if you do not have any food treats, your dog can follow your commands well? We practice and brush up your command and your dog's behavior.

Less exercise in rainy season

If you cannot provide a proper exercise for your dog even though in this rainy season, your dog will have stress. Stress makes some problems of break and damaged your faniture, missed toilet spot or sometimes make a barking. We offer you and your dog can practice as a game inside of your house.Your dog use his/her body and brain inside, then relief his/her stress.

Copyright (C) Dog Pro, Inc. New York Wan All Rights Reserved.
