Dog Training New York Style


Training is not for your pooch.
Training is for you. Therefore, it's called Dog Owner's Training

     Not a way of thinking "how is good to train a dog".
   It is the way of thinking "how is good as to be the best dog owner" to live with the dog happily.    

  NEW YORK WAN STYLE "Five keywords for the best dog owners"



The most important thing in a living with a dog is "SAFE". For you , your pooch, other people and other dogs.



Your pooch is a very special one for you. And a living with the dog is the very very special matter for your life.



It is useless to teach something into your pooch with a lot of words. The communication should be simple then your pooch can understand it. 



Create a smart life with your pooch. Having lots of fun and be happy. On the rainny day, it will be relieved stress by ball play in a house.



Smile is the best expression of happy life.

 Our dog training method is not a way "How should we teach a dog a behavior".

 It is the way of thinking "How would be as a good dog owner" to live with the dog happily.

 For example, if you would like to teach "SIT" to your dog.

Not recommended way

Keep saying "SIT" repeatedly to the dog. Sometimes give a louder voice when the dog does not sit down. And finally, going to push the dog's buttocks and make a sit down by force.

General way

Hold out a treat (a snack) in the tip of nose of the dog and move on to the air (up) slightly. Makes the position that the dog can easy to sit down.

New York Wan Style

Grasp a treat (a snack) by the right hand and cover the right hand with the left hand more. Stand in the front of the dog and just smile at him/her. Even if he/she takes any kind of behavior, do no say anything., just smile at. An attitude of "SIT"by him or herself, say "GOOD". Then praise him/her with your extremely happy voice as "Gooooooood!" and pet him/her a lot, give the treat.


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